Tag: postaday

Weekly Photo Challenge: Symbol

This is in response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Symbol.”

A major part of my revolves around this symbol.
A major part of my revolves around this symbol.

It began in 2007. Ironically, it was when Arsenal’s winning streak had just ended and they had begun to face a drought of trophies. Every year, I watched them win some games, lose important games and finish the season without any silverware. Yet, I kept supporting them. With every loss, somehow, my support got stronger. Now they’re out there, with two FA Cups in a row and looking quite formidable in the EPL. I can only hope I witness my first EPL win as an Arsenal supporter this season.

This symbol has taught me the art of consistency more than anything. It’s not just a symbol. To me, it’s a forever-long relationship. Go Gunners!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Door

This week’s photo challenge is just simply Door.


I found this locked door when I went to KR Market in Bangalore. It’s a local market, with flowers, vegetables, little babies crawling on dirty roads and lots of flies buzzing around. It thrives with activity right from 5 am to 9 pm. It’s a very interesting place to shoot. In fact, I went there for a photography assignment.

If you want to see more pictures of the market, click here.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse

Keep calm and carry on_

So, this week’s photo challenge is Muse. After sifting through several photographs, I settled for this. How I’d love to sit with a cup of tea, surrounded by greenery and mountains all the time. It’s the most ideal thinking place for me, apart from the beach. :) I shot this picture in a village called Sari, which is surrounded by the Himalayas. :)

Weekly Photo Challenge: ROY G. BIV

Berlin 13I couldn’t think of another picture when I read the topic for this week’s photo challenge – colours of the rainbow. Although I prefer calling it Vibgyor. Roy G. Biv is a lot to remember.

Anyway, I spotted this girl in Berlin, just putting smiles on the faces of passersby. I felt like a child looking at this girl. I couldn’t tear my eyes off her until my sister actually pulled me away. I loved the randomness of it. :)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Off-Season

Menacing clouds looming over River Siene, Paris

As we walked around in Paris, menacing clouds loomed overhead. They took us by surprise because they were completely off-season. It was June, a month when rainfall is least expected. Finally, while we were at Montmartre, the rain came down on us and it was beautiful! Colourful umbrellas shot up in contrast against the grey sky and once it stopped raining, the sky cleared up and we got a beautiful view of Paris. :)

This is part of the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge.



Weekly Photo Challenge: On the way

Children on their way to school

Earlier this year, I was at a village called Sari, in Uttarakhand. This village is at the foothills of the Himalayas. I drank my morning tea and set out for a walk to explore the village and this is what I saw.

Children were on their way to school, the only school in the village. The school was built way back in 1947, the year India won independence.

It was such a welcome view to start the day with. Clouds shrouded the hills and dew drops glistened on leaves. Children giggled on their way to school. Cool winds whispered sounds of happiness in my ear.

How I wish I could wake up to this view and walk through lovely fields to work everyday!

Weekly photo challenge: Broken

Her expression says it all

I clicked this picture when I was in a village in Karnataka, covering rural life for my journalism course. This old lady sat in a corner, looking desolate and heart-broken. I still feel a pang of guilt and sadness every time I look at her downcast eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

Most people in this village (Pavagada) suffer from skeletal fluorosis, owing to a high percentage of fluoride in their drinking water. Their teeth are stained, their bones are brittle and bent awkwardly. Despite that, most of the village folk manage to stay happy. Except this woman. I hope she could let go of whatever was on her mind when I shot this picture.

I don’t know if it’s rude of me to consider this “broken,” but that’s all I can think of when I see her. Sorry ajji.